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RotorMotor presents Grand Prix

7. septembra @ 23:00

RotorMotor presents Grand Prix

Po krajšem poletnem premoru pride čas za zasledovanje novih lovorik. Vročina počasi popušča, metelkovski asfalt pa je še vedno razgret in kliče po novi dirki.

V soboto sedmega septembra vas RotorMotor vabi na sedemurno divjanje po trasi Gala Hale. V dirki na čas za katero upamo, da bo prinesla nove rekorde in premaknila meje mogočega, ni prostora za tekmece. Vabljeni vsi, ki obožujete evforijo, visoke hitrosti ter nizkofrekvenčne vibracije motorja.

Se vidimo v Gali!

After a short summer break, it’s time to pursue new laurels. The heat is slowly easing, but the asphalt in Metelkova is still hot and calls for a new race.

On Saturday, September 7, RotorMotor invites you to a seven-hour rampage along the Gala Hala route. In the time trial, which we hope will bring new records and push the boundaries of what is possible, there is no room for rivals. Everyone who loves euphoria, high speeds and low-frequency engine vibrations is welcome.

See you at the Gala!


Music policy:
trance/hard house/garage/rotor/motor

15eur < 23.59 < 18eur


7. septembra
23:00 - 00:00


Gala Hala
Gala hala
Ljubljana, Metelkova 1000 Slovenia
(01) 431 70 63