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Raketa invites: COIDO (IT)

31. januarja @ 23:00

Raketa invites: COIDO (IT)

Vabijo jo vsepovsod, zdaj pa vabi ona vas. Klubski večer v domačem Channelu, kjer je Raketa zrasla in se razvila, ponuja tehno bass izkušnjo svežega projekta COIDO (IT) ob podpori najbolj odštekanih domačih elektroničarjev.

COIDO, prej poznan kot neurofunk strokovnjak Disprove, je pred kratkim pričel delovati v novem, precej bolj eklektičnem in brutalnem stilu, ki ga goni razširitev izven prej vzpostavljenega drum & bass okvira. Rezultat je pobrejkana in dodobra distorzirana elektronika, inspirirana v post-punk / gabber estetiki in zapakirana v edinstven UK garage, bass in tehno moment.

Oder bosta po gostu naselila še ljubljanski elektro specialec Terranigma in lokalni bass doktor Etrove, plesišče pa ogreva vaša najljubša vesoljska ladja.

🍊 COIDO 🇮🇹 [YUKU | TWTW | Well Street Rec] 🍊 Terranigma
🍊 Etrove
🍊 Raketa

MUZIKA: (broken) tehno / bass / UK garage / grime / breaks / ghettotech / juke





She gets invited all around, now she’s inviting you. A club night at the local Channel Zero, where Raketa grew and evolved, promises a techno bass experience from the fresh project COIDO (IT), supported by the quirkiest local electronic artists.

COIDO, formerly known as the neurofunk expert Disprove, has ventured into a bold and eclectic new style, driven by a desire to break free from the established drum & bass framework. The result is properly distorted a sound that constantly evolves, blending his signature basslines with groovy drum breaks. While his earlier works leaned into a high-BPM, post-punk gabber energy, his more recent productions have found a groove in the 130–140 BPM range—a sweet spot where bass music and techno converge seamlessly.

After COIDO’s performance, the stage will be taken over by Ljubljana’s electro specialist Terranigma and the local bass doctor Etrove, with your favorite Spaceship warming up the dance floor.

🍊 COIDO 🇮🇹 [YUKU | TWTW | Well Street Rec] 🍊 Terranigma
🍊 Etrove
🍊 Raketa

MUSIC: (broken) techno / bass / grime / breaks / ghettotech / juke / UK garage


DESIGN: Zorkow


31. januarja
23:00 - 00:00


KUD Channel Zero
KUD Channel Zero
Ljubljana, 1000 Slovenia