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Nuño & Lukšić Almost Blues Band / Blues

7. novembra, 2024 @ 20:30

Nuño & Lukšić Almost Blues Band / Blues

Ko se blues prebudi z južnoameriško strastjo. Za vse, ki verjamete, da je blues več kot le glasba – je način življenja.

Nuño & Lukšić Almost Blues Band, mojstra bluesa, ki sta svojo glasbeno pot začela na drugem koncu sveta, prihajata v Prulček, da vam predstavita svojo edinstveno vizijo te brezčasne zvrsti.

Njun blues je poln življenja, prežet z energičnimi ritmi in virtuoznimi kitarskimi solažami. Slišali boste odmeve Delte, Chicaga in Teksasa, vse pa bo prepleteno z južnoameriškim temperamentom in nepričakovanimi jazz obrati.

Pato in Daniela sta pripovedovalca zgodb, ki skozi blues izražata svoje življenjske izkušnje – njuna glasba je iskrena, polna čustev in energije. Na odru se jima bosta pridružila tudi dva izvrstna glasbenika iz Ljubljane.

Pričakujte večer, poln presenečenj, improvizacij in nepozabnih trenutkov. Popeljala vas bosta na potovanje skozi zgodovino bluesa, a hkrati pokazala, da je ta glasba še vedno živa in močno aktualna.

-Pato Nuño – kitara
-Daniela Lukšić – bas
-TBA – klavir
-TBA – bobni

Nuño & Lukšić Almost Blues Band , two masters of the blues who started their journey on the other side of the world, are coming to Prulček to share their unique vision of this timeless genre.

Their blues is full of life, infused with energetic rhythms and virtuosic guitar solos. You’ll hear echoes of the Delta, Chicago, and Texas, but all of it woven with South American flair and unexpected jazz twists.

Pato and Daniela are storytellers, expressing their life experiences through the blues. Their music is honest, filled with emotion and energy. They’ll be joined by two exceptional musicians from Ljubljana.

Expect an evening full of surprises, improvisation, and unforgettable moments. They’ll take you on a journey through the history of the blues while showing that this music is still very much alive and relevant today.

-Pato Nuño – guitar
-Daniela Lukšić – bass
-TBA – piano
-TBA – drums


7. novembra, 2024
20:30 - 21:30


Ljubljana, 1000 Slovenia