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Koncert – Moonlight Sky
24. oktobra, 2019 @ 20:30
Slovensko fusion skupino Moonlight Sky sestavljajo štirje vrhunski glasbeniki, Miha Petric, Janez Moder, Žiga Kožar in Jan Sever, ki so tudi skladatelji in aranžerji. Na glasbeni sceni, kjer navdušujejo z žanrsko raznoliko glasbo, so že 19 let.
Leta 2016 so izdali četrti album. Aranžmaji so sad skupnega dela skupine. Na albumu The Four je osem instrumentalnih avtorskih skladb, v katerih se prepleta jazzovska svoboda z živahno energičnostjo, povezuje pa ju ljubezen skupine do kompleksnejših ritmičnih in melodičnih elementov. Album je požel izvrstne kritike slovenske in tudi tuje kritiške javnosti.
Decembra 2018 so nastopili v Klubu Cankarjevega doma, med večje uspehe pa štejejo tudi promocijski koncert ob izidu četrtega albuma The Four v SiTi teatru novembra 2016, koncert v SNG Drami v Ljubljani leta 2015, serijo nastopov v Avstriji leta 2018. Leta 2015 so kot edini slovenski fusion bend nastopili tudi v ljubljanski Operi.
Miha Petric: kitara
Janez Moder: bas
Jan Sever: klaviature
Žiga Kožar: bobni
Vstopnina: 5
Music group Moonlight Sky
Slovene fusion group Moonlight Sky is composed of four exceptional musicians,
Miha Petric, Janez Moder, Žiga Kožar and Jan Sever. They are all composers
and arrangers. The group has been active for 19 years and deals with different
musical genres, most notably jazz-rock, world music and blues, but also draws ideas
from the wealth of the music from the Balkan peninsula.
In autumn 2016, they recorded their fourth album The Four. All music is
composed by all members of the group. The Four features 8 instrumental
authorial pieces and combine the freedom of jazz with vivacious energy. It is all
connected by group’s speciality: complex rhythmical and melodic elements. The
material presented is mostly complex in nature, the compositions are written in
jazz-rock style.
In November 2016, the group released the fourth album and presented it at the SiTi
theater in Ljubljana. Album received positive feedback from Slovenian but also
from foreign media. During 2017 the album was presented at many concerts on a tour of
Austria and Slovenia. In December 2018, Moonlight Sky performed at Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana.
Current line-up:
Guitar: Miha Petric
Keyboards: Jan Sever
Bass guitar: Janez Moder
Drums: Žiga Kožar
The door: 5